Re: RFA Requests returning status "*All is well". What is the meaning of the appended asterisk?

The behaviour appears on RTDS 3.7.1, whereas 3.5 is fine The config is identical for both versions and we havent got "statusTextIntroducer"; defined anywhere and having looked at the cpd files, it seem you have change the default from "None", as you showing above, with "*" as per below: I think with 3.7.1 you have changed the default to *: ! *ads*"${route}".route*"${svc}"*statusTextIntroducer : * !#help ! statusTextIntroducer: ! ! This parameter specifies the string that is prepended to the state text in ! all refresh and status messages coming from the upstream provider application. ! This can be useful to help determine what layer (local site or upstream) the ! state text and status events are being generated from. ! ! Default value: * !#end Which i found under the 3.7.1 package ads_pop.cnf, i could not find it defined anywhere else. So what should we do on the config?

From: RFA Requests returning status "*All is well". What is the meaning of the appended asterisk?