Document lastModified, createdDate, docDate meaning

On LinkQ project when we request entity/search for document we can see in the responce several dates:




What does each mean?

Which one is related to document creation? What modifications can be done for news to have last modified date?

Best Answer

  • Source of all the predicates can be tracked down using

    GET /datafusion/api/context/list?includeAll=false

    lastModified_attr_dt and createdDate_attr_dt can be used interchangeably. It's essentially when that document gets indexed by solr so it's sensitive to re-indexing. We will be adding an ingest timestamp to make it more reliable in the future.

    docDate_attr comes from NFD but it's a string ao Solr date operations will not work on it. NFD sends a copy of an updated article (duplicate) and we do not reconcile the copies in any way.
