NULL Header from NFD feed

Hi team,

Regards the NFD feed, last 3 days ( never happened before ) we observed that NFD server sent us the response with NULL header around 05:00 am EST time.

Could you help to take a look ?

We follow the TRNA client example from Thomson Reuter and it handles the NULL header by exiting the app. Please confirm if the null header event happens regularly we need to make the code changed for it


  • Hi @wqdata

    The 'header' you are referring to is HTTP header when using HTTP client interface of NFD feed, and not the new message header when using the new MRN feed, is this correct?

  • yes, Im referring to HTTP header.

  • yes, Im referring to HTTP header.

  • Issue status:

    This issue seems to be data related and has been raised to the NFD feed support (June-29). The support team has not been able to reproduce. The client will recontact the support team with network captures if the issue happens again.