How can we avoid too many updates with .qos(Timeliness, qosRates) and conflatedInUpdates() methods ?

How can we avoid too many updates with .qos(Timeliness, qosRates) and conflatedInUpdates() methods ?

Best Answer

  • Hello @arnaud.mazzucco

    EMA does not provide any method to avoid too many updates. It
    passes all updates as it receives from the server e.g. TREP(ADS/ADH) to the
    application. Anyway, TREP provides Conflation feature which can specify the
    time interval at which updates will be sent. For example, set interval 1 second
    in TREP, TREP merges all updates e.g. 5 updates received from the feed within 1
    second then it will publish as one update to EMA. Then, EMA passes the update to
    the application. Hence, you can avoid too many updates e.g. from 5 updates to 1
    update using Conflation feature in TREP. If you are interesting in this
    feature, please contact Thomson Reuters Account team.


  • This methods are applied to ReqMsg objects.
    What are the configurations option ?
    Like ReqMsg.Timeliness.REALTIME, QosRates.TICK_BY_TICK ?

    Thanks a lot