Where launch parameters for each application are documented ?

News application and Quote application, 2 common applications appear to accept different parameters at launch time. where it is documented?

I would like to get parameters for all the applications.

following parameter is for News app , but Quote wont work if i pass same parameters in json body

command= "launch",
sessionToken= sessionId,
appId = "News",
context = new
entities = new[]{new {RIC=ric}}

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓

    The Context guide of SxS refers to JET.navigate functionality within Eikons AppStudio for details related to context for Eikon applications.

    Therefore, according to the Tutorial 8 - Opening an Eikon News object, you can also use NewsQuery in the context.

     entities: [{
    NewsQuery: "TRI.N"

    For Quote Object, you need to use the following request:

    "command": "launch",
    "sessionToken": "xxx",
    "appId": "Quote Object",
    "context": {
    "entities": [{
    "RIC": "PTT.BK"

    The appId should be "Quote Object".