Documentation for bulk entity Open PermID files

Is there any detailed documentation about all the fields in the Open PermID bulk entity download files? Specifically what the different kinds of relationships in the people file mean (e.g. what's the difference between "hasTenureInOrganization" and "holdsPosition")?



  • The TenureInOrganization object provides information about all the organizations the person worked for as an Officer or Director and is directly related to the person object. Note that if a person held two officership roles in a single company, the API response includes a single TenureInOrganization object but two Officership objects. The TenureInOrganization object defines the fields described in the following table.

    You can learn more about the different person fields available via UI, API and Bulk in

    We are currently working on consolidating this info the user guide.

  • Thanks for the clarification on TenureInOrganization - but I still don't know what the difference between that and holdsPosition is. Is holdsPosition the current roles for the person and hasTenureInOrganization the historical? Or should I just be focusing on hasTenure and ignoring holdsPosition altogether?


  • I still don't know the difference between hasTenureInOrganization and holdsPosition - at the moment I'm treating them as essentially the same thing, but not sure that I should be. Thanks!