Non-real time data through Elecktron


Is it possible to use Elektron to receive data on-demand i.e. not as a real-time stream.

We're currently using the RFA API to retrieve real-time data from Elektron. We would like to be able to turn off the real-time feed and request data once every hour.

Many thanks.

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @richard.curtis,

    Yes, it is possible to receive data on-demand. RFA provides the ability to request for data as non-streaming. When you request for data in this way, you will only receive the initial image. No real time updates will be sent. When making a request, you simply need to specify only the initial image, i.e.

    // Request for non-streaming data 
    reqMsg.setInteractionType( rfa::message::ReqMsg::InitialImageFlag );