How to link from a News App to a SxS App?


The News app does not have an option to select the list of available apps within the link pulldown menu.

It can only select color. How can we link from a News App to an external SxS App?

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓

    After using the launch command to launch the News app, the response will contain the instanceId of the launched app. Then, you can use link command to link that application to the SxS Application.

    Launch Command



    Link Command



    After that, you will see that the News App is linked to the SxS application.



  • Hi,

    That is link from SxS to News app. However, how to link from News App to SxS? For example, the Quote app has an option "BROADCAST TO" to select my SxS external application.

    Thank you.

  • It should relate to how the News app is initialized. You should contact Eikon support team to verify the News app.

  • Hi @BrianLeung: the News Monitor does not broadcast context so you will not be able to crate a link from News Monitor to a SxS (or an Eikon app) the same way you can with a Quote, Monitor etc.
