Case # 05599062

We have client Case, he is trying to construct
the RIC. Below is the client query, please check the below request and do needful:

can you please let me know the best way to look up futures RIC chains, including the spreads?

And for clarity, the team does not have access to Eikon and they are
looking to query this data via UNIX as they are developers.

Client would like to know more systematic approaching to retrieving RIC information. Can you please let me know if this data is available via the Reuters API or an alternative source. In perfect world, we would like to query this information via UNIX.



  • Hi Karthik,

    Your question had to go through moderation because it contained client contact details and the question was posted on a public forum, which can be viewed by anyone inside and outside of Thomson Reuters. Please refrain from mentioning any identifying information in postings to public forums. In this case it wasn't necessary to provide any info about the client asking the question. However if you even need to mention some identifying information, please use TR Internal category, which can only be viewed by Thomson Reuters employees, or mark your question as private.
    I moved this question to TR Internal category and deleted client contact details.
    Now to answer client's question, the best way to search for content is through Eikon. If the client doesn't have any Windows boxes, they could use Eikon Web, which is browser based and can be used on any operating system. If the client does not wish to subscribe to Eikon, the second best tool they can use is the RIC search capability here on Thomson Reuters Developer portal:

    The RIC search tool is not perfect, but this is the best we have outside of Eikon.
    I hope this helps