Elektron MRN assetId

In Elektron MRN, each anayticsScores item has and assetId which refers permId and a list of RIC ids. In NewsDirect feed, assetId refers RIC id.

We download an achieved file TRNA.Companies.SEDOL.047.txt from your company and use RIC id to map. I wonder if there is any mapping file for permId to download.

Best Answer

  • nick.savva
    Answer ✓

    Yes, there is a version of the SEDOL file that contains PermIds.

    It is located on the MRN FTP at this location: /TRNA/Companies/EN/SEDOL

    If you do not have access to the MRN FTP or the above location, please contact your account manager for assistance obtaining access.


  • ok, you may close the ticket. I do not see 'Accept' text next to the reply.