Elektron MRN vs NewsFeedDirect: subject codes

I am comparing Elektron MRN vs NewsFeedDirect: subject codes
Sometimes they exactly match for the same story, sometimes they don't match.
for e.g. Elektron MRN:
"subjects": ["B:125", "B:136", "B:137", "B:138", "B:139", "B:140", "B:212", "E:6G", "G:3", "G:7J", "G:A", "M:1RT", "M:DU", "M:E7", "M:K", "M:MR", "M:N", "M:Z", "R:SOLYD.UL", "N2:BRXT", "N2:CLIST1", "N2:CMPNY", "N2:EU", "N2:EUROP", "N2:FINS", "N2:GB", "N2:GEN", "N2:INSB", "N2:INSR", "N2:INTAG", "N2:LINS", "N2:MINS", "N2:PINS", "N2:POL", "N2:RINS", "N2:TOPCMB", "N2:TOPNWS", "N2:WEU", "P:4297290844"], 39 items
The unique: "N2:BRXT", "N2:CLIST1", "N2:TOPCMB", "N2:TOPNWS"

For e.g. NewsFeedDirect same story:
<subject qcode="R:SOLYD.UL" />
<subject qcode="P:4297290844" />
<subject qcode="B:125" />
<subject qcode="N2:FINS" />
<subject qcode="B:136" />
<subject qcode="N2:INSR" />
<subject qcode="B:137" />
<subject qcode="N2:MINS" />
<subject qcode="B:138" />
<subject qcode="N2:PINS" />
<subject qcode="B:139" />
<subject qcode="N2:LINS" />
<subject qcode="B:140" />
<subject qcode="N2:RINS" />
<subject qcode="B:212" />
<subject qcode="N2:INSB" />
<subject qcode="E:6G" />
<subject qcode="G:3" />
<subject qcode="N2:WEU" />
<subject qcode="G:7J" />
<subject qcode="N2:GB" />
<subject qcode="G:A" />
<subject qcode="N2:EUROP" />
<subject qcode="M:1QD" />
<subject qcode="M:1RT" />
<subject qcode="M:DU" />
<subject qcode="N2:INTAG" />
<subject qcode="M:E7" />
<subject qcode="N2:GEN" />
<subject qcode="M:K" />
<subject qcode="N2:EU" />
<subject qcode="M:MR" />
<subject qcode="N2:TOPALL" />
<subject qcode="M:N" />
<subject qcode="N2:POL" />
<subject qcode="M:Z" />
<subject qcode="N2:CMPNY" />
37 items. The unique: "M:1QD", "N2:TOPALL"

Our NewsFeedDirect is using NewsScopeN2000codes.csv to interpret subject codes;
Does MRN still use the same NewsScopeN2000codes.csv to interpret subject codes?

Best Answer


  • If the number of items are different, does it mean the MRN and NFD are linking the symbols differently? one link to 39 symbols, the other link to 37 symbols? for the same news story?

  • The topic code configuration file for News Feed Direct is out of date. As a result, it may include some obsolete topic codes and exclude new ones. We plan to update this file by end of July.

  • After getting a list of active codes. I see over 1000 codes, These are basically topics, not symbols. How do these topics finally translate into stock symbols? for e.g. AAPL, GOOG?

    if subject code 'P:4295904307' represents IBM. Where can I find the lookup table for each stock?

  • @xlil997

    In the subjects field, RIC is prefixed by 'R:' while the company PermID is prefixed by 'P:'. Therefore, 4295904307 is a company PermID. This information for this PermID is available at https://permid.org/1-4295904307.

    For more information about PermID, please refer to https://permid.org. It also provides the API for PermID lookup.

  • Thanks for the answer of PermID.

    I see subject qcode: 'M:1QD' . What does M mean? (I currently only understand N2, P, R) what is 1QD?

    Where can I look up what these q codes mean in general?

  • @xlil997

    M:1QD is used by Eikon to indicate that stories from a set of News Sources and News Services considered to be important and relevant to Eikon users.

    M means Miscellaneous.

    Please see the attached file for the meanings of qcodes.


  • PermIDs can be looked up on permid.org.

    Subject codes with prefixes other than N2, P, and R are alternate representations of N2 codes. They add no information. They may be supported formally in the future.