How do I change the maximum allowed instruments? Currently the limit is 1!

Hi all!

We are using the DataScopeSelect Extraction Web-Service which is available under the following URL:

Please note that this is NOT the REST-API. It is a webservice, which we access using C#.

We currently have a Timeseries Pricing instrument limitation of 1 (!). This means, that we only can request one instrument per request. The performance therefore is really poor if we need to fetch multiple instruments. The limitation for corporate actions is correctly set to 1000 instruments...

Is there a way to change the limitation for the time series pricing extraction? Is this a client or server issue? Or can we modify the settings within our TR-account settings?

Unfortunately, Thomson-Reuters-Support suggested to raise this question in this forum, therefore I suppose they do not know why we have this limitation!

Any help is appreciated!


Best Answer


  • @markus.bischof, as a complement to Veerapath's answer: migrating to the REST API will give you a limit of 1000 (before expansion).

  • Thanks for your replies. It seems that the SOAP API is the wrong solution for our use case and we need the REST API.

    I cannot understand, why the web-service is limited, but I think TR cannot change this in the future.

    So I will try to investigate the REST API.

  • Please note that the SOAP API will be deprecated at the end of 2017, so a migration to the REST API is required in any case.

  • Hi!

    Thanks for your replies. We are now testing the REST-API. Our first implementation already downloaded timeseries for multiple RICs, so my issue is solved!
