SocialTag: constrict analytics of text

Hello, I'm testing text POSTs to The text I send contains some html tags and plenty of punctuation marks. I understand I could write some regex to pull out the tags and punctuation before POST, but I was asked to see if there is a way to pass in some switches to disregard html and punctuation in text analytics. If there are other possibilities, I'd love to hear about it. Thank you for your time!

Best Answer

  • Eran S.
    Answer ✓


    You may try to use the header content-type=text/html and check the results.



  • The issue is because of text containing html and punctualion, one of the Social Tags returned is "HTML" with importance 1 and another is "Punctuation" with importance 1. In a best case scenario for what we're thinking of doing, it would be best to constrict text analytics in a way to ignore html and punctuation.

  • Thank you Eran, that fixed my issue :)