send_json_request details


I'd like to know some more details about the send_json_request. Any details you can share would be appreciated. Specifically I wonder:

  • Where does it send the request?
  • Is there any documentation on how to structure the request?
  • What data is available?

Thank you!

Best Answer

  • jorge.santos
    Answer ✓

    Hi @tomas.kourim

    • The request is sent to the local proxy (localhost) - the proxy will forward the request to the Eikon Platform. You can see the localhost address:port on the proxy itself.
    • You can run any of the python functions (get_data,get_timeseries etc) with the parameter raw_output=True to see how it the json payload is structured.
    • You can get the same content that is available under your eikon license


  • Apologies, the parameter to see the payload is debug=True

  • Thank you for the quick reply. Say that I wanted the unemployment rate for Greece 2013-2016. Would that be possible? What is the Eikon Platform?

    Edit: Or could this possibly be done through the get_data function?

  • @tomas.kourim
    You can use Eikon application or Data Item Browser for data discovery. In command/search bar in Eikon Toolbar type in 'Greece unemployment rate'. You can click on items in the autosuggest list to figure out what RIC to use (there's typically more than one measure for unemployment in a given country). Once you figured out which RIC you need, you can use it in get_timeseries method, e.g. ek.get_timeseries('GRUNR=ECI',interval='monthly',start_date='2013-01-01',end_date='2017-01-01').

  • And then if you're so inclined you can add debug=True parameter to get_timeseries to print the value for 'entity' and 'payload' parameters, which you can use in send_json_request method to retrieve the same data that you requested through get_timeseries.

  • @tomas.kourim

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