What are the thresholds for API calls via the Python API for Eikon


We are trying to extract close prices for some indices via the python API but are repeatedly getting timeout issues. Is there any thresholds for python API.

our inputs are 15 days gap between start and end date. passing around 200 list of RICS.

ek.get_timeseries(listOfRICs,'*',start_date = startDate,end_date=endDate,interval='daily',raw_output=True)


Best Answer

  • Hi Uday,

    Eikon API Proxy throttles requests to the max rate of 3 per second. If you're sending a single request for 188 RICs you won't be affected by the throttling at all. If you send multiple requests in quick succession you will be affected by throttling, but I don't think the throttling would result in the timeout errors you experienced. On my end I have no problem at all retrieving timeseries of the last 15 daily close values for 188 RICs in a single request. I can also request timeseries in a loop. When I do that the requests are queued by the Eikon API Proxy and sent upstream at the rate of 3 requests per second. I have not experienced any timeout errors while doing this.
    Can you provide more details on the patterns of the timeout errors you've seen? Are you able to retrieve any timeseries at all? Do you always get a timeout whenever you request timeseries? Or does this only happen under certain conditions?
