Missing fundamentals data via Python API

Can you please check the lack of Instrument Income Statement data of <4812.T> for FY 2015?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓

    At first, we used this field: TR.ISOriginalAnnouncementDate which doesn't have data for 2015.

    However, from the attached picture, it uses this field: TR.JPINCOriginalAnnouncementDate. You can use this code.

    df, err = ek.get_data(['4812.T'], 
    [ 'TR.JPINCOriginalAnnouncementDate'], parameters={'SDate':'2010-01-01', 'EDate':'2017-07-25'})

    The result is:

      Instrument (JP) Income Statement Original Announcement Date
    0 4812.T 2010-05-12
    1 4812.T 2011-05-12
    2 4812.T 2012-05-11
    3 4812.T 2013-05-10
    4 4812.T 2014-05-12
    5 4812.T 2015-05-12
    6 4812.T 2017-02-09

    It doesn't have the data for year 2016. Please recheck this with the support team.


  • @Hiroaki.Yanagi

    I can retrieve TR.TotalRevenue, TR.CostofRevenueTotal and TR.GrossProfit of FY2015 properly with the following code.

    df, err = ek.get_data(['4812.T'], 
    [ 'TR.TotalRevenue(Period=FY2015)','TR.CostofRevenueTotal(Period=FY2015)','TR.GrossProfit(Period=FY2015)'])

    If you are still unable to retrieve the Income Statement data, please share your snippet code.

  • @Hiroaki.Yanagi for content related questions please contact your local Thomson Reuters Support Desk

  • Thank you for your reply. Can you please see the attached and check the Announce Date as well


  • @Hiroaki.Yanagi

    Eikon Excel also returns the same result.


    Therefore, it is a content related question mentioned by Zhenya Kovalyov. Please contact Thomson Reuters Support Desk in order to verify the data.

  • 4812t.jpgCustomer Support says the following data item is available on Eikon Excel.


    Can you please re-check this via Python API?

  • As I confirmed, the settling date of <4812.T> was changed in 2016, hence, the result is correct.