Some times (once per 2-3 weeks) dss api requests are failing with "Stream was not readable" exceptio

This is true for different kinds of requests we're using. Last failor was yesterday, but after some manual re-starts Composite, Corporate Actions, Premium End of Day requests finished ok, but not Timeseries request. It was fixed within next few hours. What's a cause of this? Is it possible to get any related info about the error in order to make sure the request will be successful after re-start?

Best Answer

  • Cannot reproduce the issue any more. Possible reason is in our local network configuration.


  • Hello Zoya,

    yes, recently it appears quite often. Same exception I saw today and yesterday. Current error behavior is very different from time to time: it could be eliminated during next restart (most often option) or still be failing during 5 or even more restarts. The most often the error occur during TimeSeries, next are Composite and PremiumEndOfDay requests. The most rare case is CorporateActionsStandard one.

    Also, very rarely there could be another message in combination with this one saying smth like 'cannot write data to a stream'. Please, tell me if you need more info.


  • Hello @nazar.viliura, can you also tell us if the issue occurs at specific times of the day (and if yes, at what times - please include the time zone), or if it happens at any time of the day.

  • Hello Christiaan,

    we usually run our requests from 7 to 11 am in UTC+00 time zone.

  • Hmmm, that is not server maintenance time.

  • what's the server maintenance time? just asking because we're considering to move our processing time

  • hi @zoya.farberov,

    requests are send via .net sdk and based on ThomsonReuters DSS api examples.

    This is how the request looks like:

    new TimeSeriesExtractionRequest


    IdentifierList = InstrumentIdentifierList.Create(identities, null, false),

    ContentFieldNames = "Instrument ID", "Instrument ID Type", "Trade Date","Close Price","Universal Close Price","Open Price","High Price", "Low Price","Volume","Currency Code"

    Condition = new TimeSeriesCondition { StartDate = startDate, EndDate = endDate, }


    where identities - list of instruments basically of RIC type.

    One more could be helpful: today, on 08/11/2017, in time period of 7.25am - 8.10am there were made composite, timeseries, corp actions, premium end of day pricing requests, which all failed. UserId: 9010761.

    Hope this helps in your investigations.


  • hi @zoya.farberov,

    requests are send via .net sdk and based on ThomsonReuters DSS api examples.

    This is how the request looks like:

    new TimeSeriesExtractionRequest


    IdentifierList = InstrumentIdentifierList.Create(identities, null, false),

    ContentFieldNames = "Instrument ID", "Instrument ID Type", "Trade Date","Close Price","Universal Close Price","Open Price","High Price", "Low Price","Volume","Currency Code"

    Condition = new TimeSeriesCondition { StartDate = startDate, EndDate = endDate, }


    where identities - list of instruments basically of RIC type.

  • One more could be helpful: today, on 08/11/2017, in time period of 7.25am - 8.10am there were made composite, timeseries, corp actions, premium end of day pricing requests, which all failed. UserId: 9010761.

    Hope this helps in your investigations.


  • hi @zoya.farberov,
    do you have any updates on these? thanks

  • Hello @nazar.viliura,

    A support case was opened to investigate the issue.

    Case # is 05830559.

    We will contact you via email for further details.
