How to retrieve the full list of available fields for a given RIC?

Let say that we want to find the benchmark of SPY. The answer is

data, err = ek.get_data('SPY', fields='tr.FundBenchmarkName')

However, how can we know the correct field name ('tr.FundBenchmarkName' in this example) a priori? More in general, is there any way to retrieve a complete list of available fields for a given RIC?

Best Answer


  • so basically, if I code in Python, I need to remember all fields by heart? there is just no documentation? Is there at least a mapping between fields used in excel formulae and fields I can use within ek.get_data?

  • @filippo.riccardi
    I'm not sure why you say this. Would you mind elaborating?
    Did you read the response marked as Best Answer on this thread? Did you check out the tutorial referenced in the answer?
    You can use the same field names and parameters between =TR function in Eikon Excel and get_data method in Eikon Data APIs.
    And as stated in previous response on this thread you can use Formula Builder wizard in Eikon Excel or Data Item Browser app in Eikon to discover field names and parameters to use in get_data method. More about this in the tutorial referenced in previous response.

  • The DIB is fine for looking up data items one by one but how about if I want to donwnload, say, all the 121 fields in the Environmental category? Excel formula builder is not much help here either, because the formula looks something like this:

    =TR("",C1:DS1,"CH=Fd RH=IN",B2)

    i.e. it doesn't show the field names, just a range...

  • Could you update the link for this question, it is currently returning a "page not found" response.

    I am also looking for a place to get available fields. I don't know where to get information on creating request using the .NET library to return data on .MERF0C4 NDA.Spread and I hope that if I see the available fields I might be able to determine how to translate NDA.Spread to ???? which can be used by


  • @evan.lee,

    Thanks, and please find updated link to tutorial mentioned