Security Header update

We currently integrate with Web Service: 2011-09-01, and we are in the process of updating the security header to include the Type attribute to the Password element.

The current end point we use is :

Notice it says 2011-09-01. When referring to the playbook available from this portal this is the end point that is specified

https://partnerdev2-uat.hostedtax.thomsonre -20/taxservice

Based on playbook, and security header update documentation I updated the request to incluide the following:

- Attribute Type to Password element

- Added TimeStamp element

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:ns="" xmlns:soapenv="">;
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse=""
xmlns:soapenv="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
<wsse:Password Type="">4TaxCalc</wsse:Password>;
<wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="Timestamp-1">
<ns:taxCalculationRequest xmlns:ns="">;
<ns:INDATA version="G">
<ns:VALUE>Blanket order test</ns:VALUE>
<ns:VALUE>Blanket order test</ns:VALUE>
<ns:VALUE>Blanket order test</ns:VALUE>
<ns:LINE ID="1">
<ns:LINE ID="2">

In SoapUI when I try to send this response to the end point : https://partnerdev2-uat.hostedtax.thomsonre -20/taxservice

I do not get a response, SoapUI displays "Error getting response."

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