MRN News: How do I recover lost data?

We downloaded Elektron SDK - C/C++ - 1.1.0 - Windows and the examples from

Since we are interested in downloading and decoding machine readable news we took the example #5 (MRNConsumer) and changed just one line according to our configuration as suggested by Warat B.

consumer.registerClient(ReqMsg().serviceName("ELEKTRON_DD").name("MRN_STORY").domainType(MMT_NEWS_TEXT_ANALYTICS), client); 

It works, we are able to receive data.

Question: For some reasons I have to close periodically MRNConsumer.exe application wait 30 minutes and run it again. I don't want to lose even 1 news. How do I recover lost data? How can I obrain the data of 30 minutes when MRNConsumer.exe application was shut down?


Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @mauro.medizza

    Can you explain why you need to close the tutorial example?

    MRN data is transmitted in realtime - as it happens - and therefore you cannot recover lost data using any of our realtime APIs.

    It should be possible to access news archives to access data you missed. I recommend you contact your Thomson Reuters account manager to see what options are available to your organisation.