My get_timeseries call is producing an error which I don't understand and also the output, which sho

dfpr = ek.get_timeseries(ricslist[0:90],
end_date="2017-03-31", normalize=False, raw_output=False, debug=False)
('ABI.BR', ': ', 'Error: TSINoNormalizedViews, ErrorCode: TA-TSINoNormalizedViews, Fault: TSIError, Description: Server returns error. Please try again', '\n')

Best Answer

  • @brendan,

    Please see the following discussion previously happened on this forum

    Until 3K shared rows limit is addressed I would expect all kinds of unexpected behavior when using get_timeseries method with a list of RICs. I do not reproduce the error you received when executing get_timeseries method with the single RIC 'ABI.BR'.
    As an alternative you can retrieve close prices for a list of RICs using get_data method:

    ek.get_data(['ABI.BR', 'AOO.BR', 'BEFB.BR', 'BPOST.BR', 'BRED.BR'], ['', 'TR.PriceClose'], {'Sdate':'2016-04-01', 'EDate':'2017-03-31'})