If in request for ownership data


I would like to request only some ownership data for BMW. So far my request is as follows:

=TR("BMWG.DE";"TR.PctOfSharesOutHeld;TR.InvestorFullName";"SDate=03/2011 CH=Fd RH=IN;calcdate NULL=.";B3)

This works fine. However, I download so many observations that are rather useless (ownership data which is 0 or 0.01). Thus, I would like to filter so that I only download observations with ownership of more than 0.01%. I found out that I can use the EndNum=500 for instance. Unfortunately, this does not ensure a 0.01% cutoff. Is there a way to use something like: if PctOfSharesOutHeld>0.01 in the request? Since I plan to download ownership data for several quarters and for thousands of companies this cutoff is important to me in order not to exceed the maximum allowed rows in Excel.



Best Answer

  • I suggest you raise this question to Thomson Reuters Helpdesk by either calling the Helpdesk number in your country or by using Contact Us capability in Eikon application. A data specialist will be able to tell you of there are any filtering parameters you can utilize.