What characters are not allowed in Reuters symbol names

We need to know what characters are invalid for Reuters symbol names so we can use one of them to map '/' which we use as a separator but can be a valid character in Reuters symbol names. From the rather old User Guide I have here it looks like ' ' is a candidate but I'd like to get the official line on this.

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @andy.sciascia

    You can find further details on RIC code components in the Elektron Edge Programmers Guide

    This states that 'there can be no imbedded spaces within a RIC'

    I also found another (internal) doc which states:

    Illegal Characters

    The following are not considered legitimate characters
    anywhere within RICs.

    • ‘(‘,
      ‘)’, ‘;’, ‘@’,
      ‘~’, ‘&’
    • Underscore, Space, Single & double quotes
    • Any non-printing characters (excepting brokerage
    • Characters above 7F
