DNS round-robin behavior in serverList

Hello All,

In Windows, we are trying to set up a DNS round-robin mechanism above the RFA serverList configuration in RSSL. For example we have specified a serverList containing a single hostname. And this hostname is mapped to 12 IP addresses. Note that we try to use this mechanism because otherwise we would have to change the configuration of many applications.

Here are some questions:

  1. Does RFA C++ API use gethosbyname on each hostname specified in the serverList?
  2. In case there is more than one entry returned by gethosbyname on a given hostname and if the first one fails, does RFA try the second entry and so on?
  3. Is this behavior same whatever the serverList length is?
  4. Has this behavior changed over RFA C++ different versions?

Thanks for your feedback,

Best Answer

  • Hello @pascal.neto,

    Please refer to this question for the discussion of this topic.

    (to summarize:

    1. Yes. 2. No. 3 Yes. 4. No)

    In the link, you will find helpful answers to your question, otherwise, please let us know.

