Issue with get_data parameters

Hi guys I was wondering if you could give me hand with an issue I'm having with the Eikon API Proxy. I'm trying to make a get_data request with python for a specific time and I'm getting an error back. for example:

ratings_data, err = tr.get_data(instruments=[ '912828D98=' ], fields=['TR.CommonName','TR.FiMaturityDate','CF_NETCHNG', 'CF_ASK', 'COUPN_RATE'], parameters={'SDate':'2017-09-13T10:00:00'} ) Also, is there any way you can get me a list of all the available search options (parameters) for a get_data request? and of course the expected format they'd be in, like if it's a boolean, or a sample string for dates, etc.

Hope to hear from you ASAP, Diego

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