Eikon API Python, why I'm limited to 10 headline news in one request?

When I'm sending a request to extract headlines on Eikon API, I'm limited to 10 lines per request?? Before August, I have no such issue... Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

  • 10 is the default requested headline number.

    You can modify it with the parameter count :

    get_news_headlines(query='Topic:TOPALL and Language:LEN', count=20)


  • Many thanks for your answer Pierre. It works! But do you know if I have to always put that limit "count". My resquest is on a specific RIC or basket of RIC on a range of time so I don't know the length of my final dataframe. Of course I can enter the parameter "count" equal to 1 000 or higher for example. But it's not the best way of coding....

  • You're limited to a maximum of 100 news headlines (any request for more than 100 headlines will fail in error).

    If you set date_from and date_to to retrieve a limited range of news (less than 100) with count=100, your result will contain all available items.

    In following example, the result contains 3 headlines despite the count limit set to 100:

    >>> ek.get_news_headlines(query='RENA.PA', date_from='2017-09-16', date_to='2017-09-18', count=100)
    versionCreated \
    2017-09-17 20:43:24 2017-09-17 20:43:24.000
    2017-09-16 06:32:26 2017-09-16 06:32:26.000
    2017-09-16 06:06:43 2017-09-16 06:06:47.004
    text \
    2017-09-17 20:43:24 Motor racing-Aston Martin wants to be more inv...
    2017-09-16 06:32:26 DJ Car Chief Bets Big on Growth -- WSJ<7201.T>...
    2017-09-16 06:06:43 McLaren finally cut ties with Honda<7267.T><RE...
    storyId sourceCode
    2017-09-17 20:43:24 urn:newsml:reuters.com:20170917:nL4N1LY0D1:2 NS:RTRS
    2017-09-16 06:32:26 urn:newsml:reuters.com:20170916:nDJUP00035:1 NS:DJN
    2017-09-16 06:06:43 urn:newsml:reuters.com:20170916:nNRA4hpjek:1 NS:TELGPH
  • @pierre.faurel if my headlines request has more than 100 results, is there a way to access all of them?

  • Only by splitting the request into multiple requests and narrowing the time range of each request to ensure there's less than 100 headlines returned for each time window.