AWS URL not getting generated while downloading NFE Ref data


AWS URL is not getting generated while trying to download Reference data for NFE. We get 200 OK response from the server but not the actual link to download data. Below is the curl command used to request data

curl -vk -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Prefer: respond-async' -H 'Authorization: Token <XXXX> -d @test.txt


and the command used to get the response is as below:-

curl -Ikv -H 'Authorization: Token <XXXX> -H X-Direct-Download:true -H 'Content-Type: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' -X GET'0x05e11d1e729b2f76')/$value

The response for the above command is: refdata-requesttracking.txt

Please note that we are able to pull data from DSS for the same Ric Chains.

Kindly let know how to get the download link.


Best Answer

  • Ayan
    Answer ✓

    Ok noted. Would you please advise the way to download reference data, if its not available via AWS? We get the Extraction ID and X-Request-Execution-Correlation-Id as a part of response.
