Where do I find the complete set of FIDs available?

Looking to understand what FIDs are available when subscribing to real-time quotes via Elektron JAVA RFA API. Specifically looking for FIDs that indicate pre and post market hours to distinguish from quotes during the main trading session. Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Hello @joshua.phillips

    You can find the complete set of FIDs available for any RIC
    in Thomson Reuters Data Model Discovery - https://thomsonreuters.fixspec.com/specserver/specs/reuters

    If you cannot access/login to the web page, please contact Thomson Reuters Account team.

    To get the list of FIDs for a RIC, you need CONTEXT_ID of
    the RIC which can be got by subscribing the RIC and it is in the field id 5357
    as an example shown below:

     FIELD_ENTRY 4763/RETRAN_IND: 1 (1)
    FIELD_ENTRY 4981/TRTN: 1.03
    FIELD_ENTRY 4982/TRTN_3MT: -4.89
    FIELD_ENTRY 5615/YR_TRTN: -1.74

    In this case, CONTEXT_ID is 1070.

    Then, open the web page and fill the CONTEXT_ID in Search
    text box:


    The document will be shown then click it.



  • Then, the list of FIDs for the RIC and their details are


    If you cannot still find FIDs that indicate pre and post
    market hours, you should contact the feed/data team who is data/FIDs specialist
    and can help you on this. RFA does not
    know the meaning of the FIDs, it just passes data as it receives from the feed to
    the application. You can submit the queries to the data team directly via My
    Account: https://my.thomsonreuters.com .After you log in, click "RAISE A
    CASE" then "Product Support". Then, select your subject e.g. “I
    need help using the product”. At “Select product”, select the feed e.g.
    “Thomson Reuters Elektron Real-Time”. If you cannot access My Account web/submit
    the query, please contact Thomson Reuters Account Team.