EMA Java - having different emaconfig.xml for different environment

In EMA Java, it will always look up "emaconfig.xml" when creating the OMM Consumer.

Can I have a different emaconfig.xml for different environment ?

How can I override the config file name?




Best Answer

  • Hello @OX,

    If the primary purpose is to switch between production and development environments then you could incorporate these into the same EmaConfig.xml by adding a Consumer entry for production and another for development, giving them a consumer name of "Prod" and "Dev" respectively. You can then select the required environment using the OmmConsumerConfig.consumerName() method. e.g.



  • Hello @OX

    The EmaConfig.xml configuration file name is hard coded in the EMA Java API . You can change it to read another file in the EMA Java source code level in ConfigReader.loadFile() function.

    The EMA ConfigReader.java source code is available at <Elektron SDK package>\Ema\Src\main\java\impl\com\thomsonreuters\ema\access folder.

    protected void loadFile() {
    _configFileName = "EmaConfig.xml";
    _configFileLocation = System.getProperty("user.dir");
  • Please note that advise given here is for advanced users. EMA is an open source API and Thomson Reuters provides ready to use API libraries. Any modification to API will have to be maintained by user themselves and may open up to additional bugs. A strong understanding of ETA API is required to modify EMA source code.

  • The file "EmaConfig.xml" will be read from the current directory.

    You can have the two EmaConfig.xml files in different directories, say "/dev" and "/prod", and then just make sure you launch your application with the relevant directory as the current directory. Done!

    Alternatively create a Pull Request on Github if you think this should be easier than what I propose. For example you can imagine that the file name can optionally be controlled via a OS Environment Variable and if that doesn't exist it would default to "EmaConfig.xml".

  • Hello @OX

    The next ESDK release - ESDK
    release 1.1.1 - will include a feature that allows application developers to
    supply an optional path to a configuration file. The path may be a directory, in which
    case the library will load a file named EmaConfig.xml from that directory, or a

    In Java, one will supply this path
    as an argument to createOmmConsumerConfig; see the
    example111__MarketPrice__UserSpecifiedFileConfig example for more
    details. This example is new for this release.

    In C++, one will supply this path
    as an argument to the OmmConsumerConfig constructor; see the 111__MarketPrice__UserSpecifiedFileConfig example for more details. This
    example is new for this release.