Eikon API: Retrieving filing date for annual reports

Question on behalf of a client. Is it possible to retrieve the filing date of quarterly/annual reports?

Maybe the same logic can be used as the 'calcdate' or 'periodenddate'. Is there a field for 'filing date' and/or 'receipt date'?

Thank you so much in advance for your help!

df, err = eikon.get_data('AAPL.O', ['TR.TotalAssetsReported', 'TR.TotalAssetsReported.calcdate', 'TR.TotalAssetsReported.periodenddate'] )



Best Answer

  • With help of the Eikon Helpdesk:

    Excel formula:

    Frq=FI SDate=0 EDate=-6 CH=Fd RH=IN",)

    Using these fields in Python:



  • Hi! Where can I fine TR financials function that I can export throught workspace lite in excel?

    I would like to know which other data and ratios it may be possible to extract

    Data itemsWorkspace functionNet MarginTR.IncomeAftTaxMarginpctAsset TurnoverTR.AssetTurnoverPretax ROATR.PretaxROAPctROETR.ReturnonAvgTotEqtyPctNetIncomeBeforeExtraItemsGross profit marginTR.GrossProfitMarginIndustrialAndUtilityPctCurrent RatioTR.CurrRatioTimes Interest Earned (interest coverage)TR.TimesInterestEarnedDebt/EquityTR.HistTotDebtCommEqtyPctTotal AssetsTR.TotalAssetsReportedTotal RevenueTR.TotalRevenueZscore, Manufacturing WeightsTR.ZScoreManufacturingWeightsZscore, NonManufacturing WeightsTR.ZScoreNonManufacturingWeights