Requesting TAS data.

I have a UPA application which can request TAS data by requesting the TAS symbol for a RIC e.g. tVOD.L. I was wondering what do I request to get the equivalent data now that TAS support is being discontinued.

Best Answer

  • The suggested options to get this data for API clients are migrating to Tick History, Data
    Scope Select, TRKD or Eikon, based on
    the use case. All these options take time and effort to plan and implement.

    For Eikon GUI clients only, users will continue to can get this content by right clicking on RIC in Eikon.

    This is a bit late to plan migration from TAS for API uses (UPA), in my understanding, as scheduled removal date is tomorrow, Sept 30th.

    This could be an issue for you, depending on the use and how critical the application is for your organization I would get in touch with TR account management team ASAP to work out the best course of action this late in the game?

    Hope this information helps to clarify and allows to progress toward the solution,



  • TAS is being retired but I assume the equivalent data for the RIC's is available by requesting another symbol using a UPA API. Is that correct ? Also, I've looked for references to Tick history in the 8.0 UPA API doc and I can't find any.

  • No, there will be no replacement symbology that can be accessed by UPA. This content will not be available from Elektron, our realtime infrastructure.

    This, and much more more depth and breadth of content, are be available from history and analytics products, i.e. Tick History, Data Scope Select, TRKD or Eikon.

    These products are accessible via different API, for examaple, for Tick History, it's Tick History REST API, for Eikon, it's Eikon APIs, please review the corresponding materials on this portal.

    This is why it's a bit late, and the best course of action would be putting heads together with your account management team and planning the optimal migration path, then implementing the programmatic solution.

  • Ahh - ok. That's the bit I didn't understand. So basically a UPA application will no longer be able to access this data. That's the main thing I needed to know.

  • By the way - just to clarify. TAS is being removed tomorrow, so I assume that if I request tVOD.L or t<anything> after tomorrow then I'll get not found as the response ?

  • I would say that after September 30th, 2017, there will be no guarantee that you will be able to call subscibe to tRICs, for example tVOD.L

  • Great. Thanks for the information.

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