Error : Unable to read MFEED Data Dictionary from file.


i m using JSFC client and i used the example "SimpleFieldDisplay" in your documentation with the follwoing configuration

*serverType: sapi

*serverList: vretlotsdev01

*portNumber: 8101

*serviceName: SYNK_DRIVEN_REC

*fieldName: GEN_VAL8

*symbol: JPY6MX10YN2=R

but when it encounter the following line of code :

service = session.getRecordService( _configDb.variable(_appId, "serviceName", "SYNK_DRIVEN_REC").toString());

it give me the following error:

<SimpleFieldDisplay : Error : Unable to read MFEED Data Dictionary from file.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓

    From the configurations, SimpleFieldDisplay is connecting to the local publisher which is unable to provide data dictionary through network.

    Therefore, SimpleFieldDisplay must load data dictionary from local files instead by using the following JSFC configurations.

    *dictFromFile : true
    *fid_file_path : C:\var\triarch\appendix_a
    *enum_file_path : C:\var\triarch\enumtype.def

    You can find appendix_a and enumtype.def files in JSFC package in etc directory.
