How to get LBMA gold price?


I need to get LBMA gold PM price. I tried this

stringArray[3] = "XAUFIXPM=";
AdxRtList.Source = "IDN";
AdxRtList.RegisterItems(stringArray, "BID");

but it's not working and returning null.

Best Answer


  • where I can read about it? I don't understand how to use it

  • where I can read about it? I don't understand how to use it

  • I tried to write

    AdxRtList.RegisterItems(stringArray, "TRDPRC_1"); 

    and it's working =) am I right?


  • @aidynchik_84 you can do a couple of things:

    1. Open the quote app in Eikon, and select XAUFIXPM. Click on the hamburger menu, select Template > Display all fields. This will give you the full list of fields that are retrievable with AdxRtList;

    2. Open the data item browser app (in the Eikon command bar type "XAUFIXPM= DIB"