Interaction between API python and Eikon app

Hi everyone,

I am quite new with the api and I am trying to do a responsive table which displays news :

For that I fill a panda dataframe with the result of get_news_headlines()

df_news = pd.DataFrame(
ric_value, date_from=start_date,

Then I would like to display the content of the dataframe into an html table (no problem with that) but then I would like that when user clicks on the news in the table thus EIKON opens the corresponding news page in Eikon (if the user is connected of course).

Do U know if it is possible?

thank you for your help,



Best Answer

  • It is possible. You need to construct the link for each story using the following syntax:

    'reuters://realtime/verb=NewsStory/ric=' + storyID.split(':')[4]

    where storyID is the string returned into storyId column by get_news_headlines method.

    E.g. reuters://realtime/verb=NewsStory/ric=nNRA4ljo86

    However I'm curious what might be the point of this exercise as the News Monitor app in Eikon already provides the capability to retrieve news headlines and stories?


  • hi Lucas. The response already comes in a dataframe. There is no need to do pd.dataframe().

  • For the rest of your question - you need to do a bit of UI tooling - are you doing this on Jupiter?

  • Thank you very much for your help. It is actually working well!

    But, I have now another issue : to open the url of the news in Eikon Core I have to be connected to the app (obvious) but when I sign in then I am disconnected from the API Proxy... It appears that I can be connected to the API Proxy and to the App Eikon core in the same time.

    How can I fix that?

  • Thank you very much for your help. It is actually working well!

    But, I have now another issue : to open the url of the news in Eikon Core I have to be connected to the app (obvious) but when I sign in then I am disconnected from the API Proxy... It appears that I can be connected to the API Proxy and to the App Eikon core in the same time.

    How can I fix that?

  • Unfortunately there's nothing you can do about this right now until we make Eikon APIs Proxy reside within Eikon application. There's no official ETA for this yet, though personally I expect it before the end of the year. Until then I surmise this deficiency makes the whole premise a moot point.