convert EMA C++ sample code into a Windows Service

in you example code

try {
AppClient client;

OmmConsumer consumer(OmmConsumerConfig().host("").username("my_user_goes_here"));

consumer.registerClient(ReqMsg().serviceName("LDN_RSSL_DDS_CHE").name("MRN_STORY").domainType(MMT_NEWS_TEXT_ANALYTICS), client); // original

// Sleep long enough to receive a few stories
sleep( 60000 );// API calls onRefreshMsg(), onUpdateMsg() and onStatusMsg()


It uses a sleep() function to control how long it runs.

What if I do not want to use sleep(), but rather call something like

client.start() when my service (getting news from Elektron API) starts, and client.stop() when I want to stop the service (quitting ClientApp from memory).

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