Printing Real-Time Messages for several Tickers out of the API

I wonder if there are some examples for efficient ways to achieve the above with multiple tickers and also streaming visualization capabilities. I came accross a youtube video by Jorge but unfortunately resolution was too low to zoom into the code details there. Examples here I found were more on historical time series side.

Best Answer


  • Thanks Nick!
    I'm still quite a bit puzzled because here is the link where Jorge presents some kind of Python real time messaging:
    Maybe he can clarify how this was done, if he sees the topic.
    But I'm really looking forward for the new version then and fingers crossed that also Rtget() can then be done by this version.

  • Nipat, there is nothing new I would add to my response already. The client observed in the video there was a way to get real-time data. However, that capability won’t be available until next year.

  • @nick.zincone.1
    Has there been an update in the meantime on the Python API with regards to real-time messages?