Can not connect to EikonDesktopDataAPI using C# code.

I am consuming Eikon Desktop API in my new project. My whole projects is working well when I am running it through Visual Studio 2013, but when I am running it from EXE it is encountering an error.

Error I Am Getting.

Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {70B3E69B-E207-412E-8A27-E94A01F96728} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80070005 Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)).

This is the code I am using

eikonConnect = new EikonDesktopDataAPI.EikonDesktopDataAPI(); <-- this gives above error

EEikonDataAPIInitializeResult l_result = _eikonConnect.Initialize();

_eikonConnect.OnStatusChanged += EikonConnect_OnStatusChanged;

I tried to run VS and Eikon in admin mode, same error.

Can anyone help ?

Best Answer

  • You can use a Process Monitor tool to troubleshoot the problem.

    In Process Monitor Filter, include your process name and then select "Show Registry Activity" and "Show System File Activity". After that, run the application.


    Pay attention to the Result column, you should see the error there.

    You can save all activities to a file and attach it in the response
