OMM Provider

Just wondering whether it is possible to set up an OMM Provider, and if so, how?

Best Answer


  • Hi @josa

    The RFA API packages come with a number of Provider examples.

    E.g. you have StarterProvider_Interactive and StarterProvider_NonInteractive present in the RFA C++., Java and .NET versions.

    The use of each is covered in either the README or package.html files in the sample folders.

    However, perhaps the easiest way to get a Provider up and running is to refer to the QuickStart guide found in the Docs folder of RFA Java and C++. This QuickStart provides step by step instructions on how to install, configure and connect a Consumer example to a Provider example.

  • Thanks @Umer Nalla. The question is, can I create my own provider?

  • @Umer Nalla, also is it possible to create the Provider without Reuters account? Thanks.

  • Hi @josa,

    Yes - you can. The source code for the above Starter examples demonstrates the basic steps required to implement a Provider.

    There are more advanced examples that illustrate some of the more advanced implementation techniques required. e.g. the C++ Provider_Interactive example or the RFA Java AdvancedHybridDemo example.

    The Developer guides have further details on differences between Interactive and Non-Interactive Providers and also on how to implement them in code.

    If you are new to our APIs and have no strong reason for using RFA, then I would recommend using EMA (Elektron Message API) as you should find implementing a Provider using EMA requires less learning and thereby less coding effort.

    You can find an EMA NI Provider tutorials on this website:

    Elektron C++ Tutorials

    Elektron Java Tutorials

    Much of the EMA NI Provider Tutorial content is relevant to Interactive Providers too.

  • IF you want to publish and consume your own data internally then you don't need a Reuters account. Your Consumer can connect directly to your Provider - as demonstrated with the Quick Start examples.