Api key - is this per user machine?


I'd like to know if the api key needs to generated in every users machine? I have a desktop application that will be deployed to all users who have eikon installed. Should every user have to generate a unique api key or is it based on the AppId, i.e. can I generated a api key for an AppId on my eikon and use that for other users?


Best Answer

  • The API key aims to identify the application, not the user. You can and should use the same API key for the same application running on multiple users' machines.


  • Thanks Alex. I'll give this a try.

  • Hi,

    The usage is to generate an AppId per application (not per user or machine).

  • Learn about the API key authentication. It enables you to securely validate an API key with the API Gateway. One can take help from allkeysgenerator.com as here you can generate all kinds of keys. These keys can help you monitor your application’s API usage in the Google Cloud Platform Console.