How can I print an Eikon QuoteApp Window from Eikon Excel VBA


I 'm looking after the code that will allow printing an Eikon quote app / chart page / ... from Eikon Excel VBA.

Today, I need to manually go to my Eikon desktop App and click on the print button for the desired quote app.

The followed goal is to get a screen proof of the reuters data that I get in Excel.

I found the beginning of a way to do it, as I can open a quote app page, but I don't know how ton print it and close it.

Sub ShowRICInIDN(ByVal RIC As String)
Dim wshLink As ObjectSet
wshLink = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wshLink.Run "reuters://REALTIME/verb=FullQuote/ric=" & RICSet wshLink = Nothing
End sub


Best Answer

  • There is no way you can do this with standard Eikon tools, however, you can always explore the possibility of using WinAPI to achieve that. For example:

    1. Open Eikon Quote App Window
    2. Find the window handler by name (external forum link)
    3. Send keys to the window to open printing dialog

    Alternatively, you can take a screenshot of the window and print it later.


  • Thanks Zhenya. I explored the solution you gave and finally I choose to use a screenshot through Windows API. There is no way to use the snapshot function from Eikon ?

    It works, not perfect but I'll make fine tuning later.

    I also have a side question. How can I run the app with a different template that the default one.

    For example, I load "EURIRS=ICAP" page and the default template is : "mm_multi_ctb_chn_nt.chn"

    I would like to use "mm_multi_ctb3_cnh_nt.chn" or a custom one

    And the last question : where can I find documentation about "

    reuters://REALTIME/verb=" function ?
