x64, C++ and Eikon

I am running on a x64 platform and am using C++. I cannot change either of these things. It seems like the .NET api doesnt work with C++ and the COM api doesnt work with 32bit.

Is there a way around this?

Thank you for all the help in advance

Best Answer

  • I'm afraid there's no better solution at the moment. What you came up with is pretty much the only thing you can do today. When we fully launch new Web based Eikon Data APIs, you will be able to use them in pretty much any modern dev environment. But the full launch of these new APIs is not exactly right around the corner yet, I'm afraid.


  • What functionality are you after? Real-time, time series or fundamental data?

  • Fundamental data. The solution I have come up with for the moment is to wrap COM api up in an x86 console app with couple of named pipes to send requests and get responses from.

    Be happy to know of a better solution.

  • If it is ok then when i debug what I wrote I will post it here, in case anyone else has the same issue

  • Certainly. This is an open forum for software developers using Thomson Reuters APIs to share ideas and experiences. Any post that might be useful to other developers using TR APIs is much appreciated here.