Python: How to get just the number out of a TR.Formula using Eikon API?

Hello everyone, I have the following short code in which I acquire local returns:

import eikon as ek #import Eikon module
ek.set_app_id('someID') #setting AppID
df = ek.get_data('B1FJ0C0','TR.TotalReturn', {'SDate': '2017-02-03'})

print (df[0])

The outcome goes as follows:


What I desire is to acquire just the numeric value of the return, I don't want to know about the instrument or any other field/value, just the value of the Total Return.

Does anybody know how? I'd be happy to know.


Best Answer

  • aquilesjlp300,

    To acquire just the numeric value of the return, you can do this:


    First thing to note is that the call to get_data() returns a tuple containing the dataframe and error (if any).


  • Thanks a lot Nick. Is this a pandas dateframe, btw? The way the information is organized when I request information for a bigger list of identifiers does seem to give that appearance.

  • Yes, the default output is a Pandas DataFrame. For more details see the documentation for get_data method in Eikon Python API Reference Guide

  • I have an additional question Alex, it's somehow related to the post.

    Can I call TR formulas from the get_timeseries function? My guess from the reference guide you provided is "No", I can't do that. Since I'd like daily returns given a range of dates.

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  • You're correct. You'd have to calculate the returns yourself, which is pretty easy to do.

  • I'm getting AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'iloc'

  • @victor.delima
    If you have a question it's always best to start a new thread rather than posting an answer on an existing thread. I'm guessing, and this is only a guess, that what you did is something like

    df = ek.get_data('TRI.N','TR.Revenue')

    instead of correct

    df, err = ek.get_data('TRI.N','TR.Revenue')

    If this helps, great. If not, and you need further assistance, please start a new thread and provide detailed description of the issue you're experiencing.

  • Thanks man. That did the trick.