FID TRDCOND_1 enum values

FID TRDCOND_1 has changed from alphanumeric to enum in the dictionary, However, in the enumtype.def file, it looks like the only value available for that fid is 0 with a meaning of "undefined". We used that fid to pass the sale condiition for a trade which could have several values (M,Q,X,6,..etc). How can we manage that now?

From enumtype.def:

TRDCOND_1 13518
! ----- ------- -------
0 " " undefined


Best Answer

  • I have checked the data dictionary 4.20.01_TREP-RT_13.51 released on 13-03-2013.

    The field name of FID 13518 was PRE_2ET197.

    PRE_2ET197 "PRED 2 ET 197"      13518  NULL        ENUMERATED    5 ( 8 )  ENUM    2

    ! Predefined FIDs. Do not use while this description is in place.

    This predefined field is defined as an enumerated field. Its value can be:

    ! ----- ------- -------
    0 " " Undefined

    With the current data dictionary (4.20.30_TREP_17.91 11/13/2017), the field name of FID 13518 is TRDCOND_1.

    TRDCOND_1  "TRD COND CODE1"     13518  NULL        ENUMERATED    5 ( 8 )  ENUM             2
    ! Trade condition code 1

    However, it is still an enumerated field and has only one value.

    TRDCOND_1  13518
    ! ----- ------- -------
    0 " " undefined

    You can send a feedback to the content team for its values.


  • As @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai suggested, TRDCOND_1 is a recent addition and no enumerations have been defined for this FID yet.

    I believe you might be confused with LSTSALCOND (FID 4756), sale condition of Last trade, which is an alphanumeric field.