Testing the Example files in my local machine

How i can do the testing code on my personal machine that not connected to Reuter servers ?

our setup is setup machine in our datacenter contacted to Reuters servers by VPN connection , but before we implement the code need to test it in my machine !! how i can do that ?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓

    You can use infra tools (rmdstestclient and sink_driven_src) to capture and replay the real-time data.

    For more information, please refer to this question. If you don't have these tools, please contact your TR account team.


  • Hello @tarek.aboukhaled

    EMA provides interactive
    provider example applications located in <Elektron SDK package>\Ema\Src\examples\java\com\thomsonreuters\ema\examples\training\iprovider.
    Consumer applications can connect to them directly. Hence, you can run a
    consumer application to connect to an interactive provider example application on the same machine.

    You may start with
    example100__MarketPrice__Streaming which illustrates how to create and publish
    a single OMM streaming item. For more details of Interactive Provider application, please refer to EMAJ_DevGuide.pdf and EMAJ_ConfigGuide.pdf for its configuration parameters.

    The example steps to run
    the interactive provider, example100__MarketPrice__Streaming, and the consumer
    application, example100__MarketPrice__Streaming, are list below:

    1. In <Elektron
      SDK package>\Ema\Src\examples\EmaConfig.xml
      , modify RdmFieldDictionaryFileName
      and EnumTypeDefFileName parameter of Dictionary_3 node used by the provider
      application to use the preference dictionary files(default is dictionary files
      in the current directory). For example:
    <Name value="Dictionary_3"/>

    <RdmFieldDictionaryFileName value="C:\Elektron-SDK\Ema\etc\RDMFieldDictionary"/>
    <EnumTypeDefFileName value="C:\Elektron-SDK\Ema\etc\enumtype.def"/>


    2.Compile the example applications. At <Elektron SDK
    , you can use ant

    3.Run example100__MarketPrice__Streaming_IProv.bat
    which run interactive provider

    4.Run example100__MarketPrice__Streaming.bat which
    run consumer

    When the consumer can
    connect to the provider, the provider will show the message below:


    And the consumer will
    receive data as example figure below:


    Note: example100__MarketPrice__Streaming
    provider application provides the service named DIRECT_FEED.

  • Dear @Pimchaya.Wongrukun,

    What you have suggested is just to test the code but not the real received data of the example. Is there any

    way to get demo server irrespective of our real time user where we can get real data even if it is old? We care of the data received and how it is bundled.