Eikon Data API (Web Api) .Net/C# sample code?

I have seen that you provide Python code samples that deal with the new Eikon Web API. However, as .Net/C# user, I have not found a single line of sample code anywhere. I also have not found a documentation that targets the Eikon Web API that .Net/C# developers can use and look at.

Can you please urgently point me to the correct resources? I want to use the Eikon Web API within .Net/C#.


Best Answer

  • We have not yet released the description of the underlying protocol for the scripting API, so it only exists in our own python implementation as well as the community bindings for R.

    I will ask the product specialist to get in touch with you.


  • Eikon .Net/C# API is mainly provided to be used within Eikon connection and not with Eikon Web API.

    The Eikon .Net/C# API covers more functionalities than Eikon Data Web API.
    You can find information here and tutorials on this page.

  • The Eikon .Net/C# API does not work for me as I need to sometimes request the data from within a .Net/C# Console Application, at other times from within a WPF app. I communicated with developers here quite a number times and the request mechanism is not properly working in combination with Dispatcher.PushFrame and the message pipe.

    That is why I am looking for an alternate solution. Is the old COM API still working?

  • the old COM API is still working, but again, you will have to pump the COM message queue manually from a Console app.

    Can you raise a new question, where you summarise your issues with using .NET from a Console app?

  • I am still highly confused: Your colleague clearly stated that the old .Net Eikon COM api is considered "LEGACY". Please see his response as follows : "ou are of course perfectly entitled to your opinion about this SDK. I can only say that it is used in production by thousands of applications. And I should add that we consider this interface legacy. In two weeks we're Beta launching new Eikon Scripting API, which is based on Websockets for streaming data and on REST/POST for request/response, and which does not have any dependency on COM."

  • ...taken from the following question: https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/11837/eikon-net-api-accepts-2-3-time-series-requests-and.html

    What I need is to be able to access and use the new REST API from within .Net C#. Is that generally possible and if yes do you have sample code? If no, why not? Can you please explain?

  • I am still highly confused: Your colleague clearly stated that the old .Net Eikon COM api is considered "LEGACY". Please see his response as follows : "ou are of course perfectly entitled to your opinion about this SDK. I can only say that it is used in production by thousands of applications. And I should add that we consider this interface legacy. In two weeks we're Beta launching new Eikon Scripting API, which is based on Websockets for streaming data and on REST/POST for request/response, and which does not have any dependency on COM."

  • ..taken from the following question: https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/11837/eikon-net-api-accepts-2-3-time-series-requests-and.html

    What I need is to be able to access and use the new REST API from within .Net C#. Is that generally possible and if yes do you have sample code? If no, why not? Can you please explain?

  • Yep, the API is considered legacy, however, there are several pieces of functionality that are not ported to the scripting API, such as RSearch and Adfin Analytics, and the support for the real-time data and non-standard views in time series (for example, NDA_RAW) is yet to come.

  • thank you very much.

  • The Python library is currently the only exposed
    edition of the Eikon Data APIs. As you correctly understood, this library uses
    an underlying Web API that is not documented. This is because this Web API is not
    settled yet and is still subject to change. It will be exposed and
    documented later this year. Stay tuned.

  • Request to thomson to provide sample code / examples for .net developers

  • Please provide support to C# (.Net) developers also.
    Give proper documentation and sample for C# also.

  • I second this, some of the decisions on Reuters' developer team are highly questionable and outright jaw dropping from a business standpoint. We are now promised for over 1 year a new, workable Web API solution, and that should clearly mean a solution targeting languages most of the client community uses. Who pulls data via the Python API? Clearly hardly anyone. Why would one other than for experimental purposes. Most in this community use Python as a profiling and research language. We need access to the desktop API via OOP production grade languages. Please add support for C#.

  • May I also add that the current C# desktop API solution is a horrible construct of many years past its life time. It still relies on COM objects and message pumps which would get any developer in other companies immediately fired for implementing and maintaining in 2016, or 2017 but particularly now. It is a reflection of how behind Reuters is on the development side vs Bloomberg. And even managers on the development side do not seem to get it: Excuses, delays, empty promises. Way to go to treat your customers, NOT!

  • Hi @HFTVOL

    Thank you for this feedback. You made it
    very clear that a part of the Thomson Reuters Developer Community is waiting
    for modern Eikon APIs for .NET desktop applications.

    As you can imagine, other members of the
    community are also waiting for Eikon APIs that work with their favorite
    languages and environments. In order to satisfy the largest audience, we
    decided to expose Eikon data via Web APIs that developers will be able to use
    with a variety of languages and technologies. This Web edition of the Eikon
    Data APIs is not finalized yet. It will be released and properly documented
    with tutorials and examples later this year. We know how it can be frustrating
    to wait for something that you really need to have your work done, but we want
    to make these APIs right so that the whole community is satisfied. We do not
    have a firm release date to communicate yet. We will do it as soon as we can.

    The Python library has been built in
    parallel to this initiative to respond to a growing demand for this language.
    This library currently uses internal Eikon Web APIs that will be subject to
    change very soon. This is the reason why we did not document them. When the Web
    Edition of the Eikon Data APIs will be released, the Python library will be ported
    to theses new APIs, making the change seamless for Python users. The choice of
    this language can certainly be discussed, but if you run a search for the most
    popular programming languages in 2017 or 2018 you will find that Python is on
    the rise and is almost systematically better positioned than C#.

    As mentioned above, we are taking care of
    providing solutions for the whole community. The Eikon Data APIs Web edition
    will be released with a set of documentation, with tutorials and examples to
    match the most common needs. These learning materials will be completed by
    additional examples, tutorials and articles to respond as best as we can to the
    demands and the feedback we receive from the community. We heard your feedback
    loud and clear and we think it makes sense. Rest assured that C# will be
    included in these learning materials.

  • Hi @HFTVOL

    Please find below an answer to these comments.

  • That's exactly what was posted this time around in 2017. It generally takes even startups about 3 months to pump out an initial API upon which can be built. What I find incredibly bizarre is your commenting on why python first. Looking at trends on stackoverflow.com or elsewhere to gauge popularity should not be your yardstick but your actual customer base. At best 1/10 of your customers use python re this api vs other oop languages combined. A web api makes a lot of sense for this non latency sensitive use. The incredibly long wait time DOES NOT.