How do I retrieve RIC codes of stock symbols for a country, e.g. Canada?

How do I retrieve RIC codes of stock symbols for a country, e.g. Canada? I would like to retrieve this info preferably using the EIKON Python API.

Best Answer

  • Refer to the product overview, the APIs provide access to the following content sets:

    • News
    • Price time series
    • Symbology conversion
    • Fundamental and reference data

    It doesn't provide a search functionality.

    Currently, you can use Screener with Eikon Data API. However, it is not yet officially supported by Eikon Data API.

    Screener can provide the list of RICs by Country of Exchange. The snippet code is:

    screener_exp = 'SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), IN(TR.ExchangeCountryCode,"CA"))'
    companies_data, err = ek.get_data(instruments=[screener_exp], fields=['TR.RIC'])


  • Awesome, great!

    Two more things:

    1) How or where do I find the country codes?

    2) What if I wanted to add TR.CompanyMarketCap > 25000000 ?

    Thanks in advance!