Dictionary Id 0 (zero) vs 1 (one)

I load local file field dictionary, latest and greatest. Dictionary file looks like this in the header:

! Copyright Thomson Reuters 2017
!tag Filename RWF.DAT
!tag Desc RDF-D RWF field set
!tag Type 1
!tag Version 4.20.30
!tag Build 006
!tag Date 19-Oct-2017
!tag DictionaryId 1

(note the 'DictionaryId' tag)

With this I would expect FieldDictionary#getDictId() to return 1 after a successful load. But it doesn't!!

Here's a minimal example:

public class DictIdCheck {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FieldDictionary fDict = FieldDictionary.create();
System.out.println("Dictionary Id, before load (getDictId()) : " + fDict.getDictId());
FieldDictionary.readRDMFieldDictionary(fDict, args[0]);
FieldDictionary.readEnumTypeDef(fDict, args[1]);
System.out.println("Dictionary Id, after load (getDictId()) : " + fDict.getDictId());
System.out.println("Dictionary Id (property 'DictionaryId') : " + fDict.getFieldProperty("DictionaryId"));

which returns:

Dictionary Id, before load (getDictId()) : 0
Dictionary Id, after load (getDictId()) : 0
Dictionary Id (property 'DictionaryId') : 1

I'm using RFA Java 8.1.0.L1 (latest and greatest)

Is this behavior intentional or is it a bug ?

Best Answer


  • Hello @Lars-at-Addicticks

    Based on my test, it seems that FieldDictionary.getDictId() in RFA Java returns the value from a tag named "Id" not "DictionaryId" . My dictionary file added !tag Id 2:

    !tag Filename  RWF.DAT
    !tag Desc RDF-D RWF field set
    !tag Type 1
    !tag Version 4.20.28
    !tag Build 001
    !tag Date 02-Feb-2017
    !tag DictionaryId 1
    !tag Id 2

    The output from running your given source code and the input is my dictionary file:

    Dictionary Id, before load (getDictId()) : 0
    Dictionary Id, after load (getDictId()) : 2
    Dictionary Id (property 'DictionaryId') : 1

    It is possible that this is RFA Java bug because RFA C++ returns DictionaryId's value using a similar method.

    This problem is needed to be investigated in depth to confirm if this is RFA Java bug or not from the development team. Hence, I have created a new case on behalf of you. It is case 06159302. Once I get any response from the development team, I will let you know via the email case 06159302.

  • The development team can reproduce the problem and they are working on it. If there is more update on this case, I will inform the client via email cas 06159302.