TRNA PermID daily mapping file

There is a daily permid to sedol/ric mapping file to download; howerev, when I process historical daily archived files, there are some perm ids in daily archive files do not exist in the mapping file. I assume permid is unique and never be re-used. Can you please add those missing permids into the mapping file.


  • jim.yu

    Thanks for your question.

    Could you please clarify to which mapping file do you refer to and from where do you consume it?

    Is it one of the entity download files that we publish within the site on a weekly basis? or something else?



  • @jim.yu
    I'm afraid we haven't received the clarification we asked for. Without this additional information we're unable to progress this issue. I'm afraid there's nothing else we can do here, so I'm closing the thread. If you experience this or any other problem in the future, please post a new question on a separate thread.