Trying to download VINX time-series

I am trying to download timeseries for .VINXNOKNI index, but get empty data.frame in returns. Is this data available? Or this .VINXNOKNI just a collection of stocks?

Using this code in R:



Best Answer


  • Try adjusting the time series start and end dates, the data point we have is for 2012-07-13

  • Thanks for the tip but unfortunately doesnt work either. With other index (.OSEBX) it does work.

  • Here is my code:

    import eikon as ek
    ek.set_app_id('<your app id>')
    ek.get_timeseries([".VINXNOKNI"], fields=["TIMESTAMP","Close","VOLUME"], start_date = "2012-12-01", end_date = "2012-12-27",interval="daily")

    Here is the result:

    2012-12-03 143.32 NaN
    2012-12-04 142.92 NaN
    2012-12-05 143.39 NaN
    2012-12-06 144.00 NaN
    2012-12-07 144.28 NaN
    2012-12-10 144.43 NaN
    2012-12-11 145.51 NaN
    2012-12-12 144.96 NaN
    2012-12-13 143.79 NaN
    2012-12-14 144.38 NaN
    2012-12-17 144.33 NaN
    2012-12-18 145.41 NaN
    2012-12-19 145.89 NaN
    2012-12-20 146.05 NaN
    2012-12-21 145.78 NaN
    2012-12-27 146.46 NaN
  • Thanks I tried this but also doesnt work. I am using the R package on github

    This might be related to the R package I guess. When I try exact same code with OSEBX it does work.

  • I have tried it and it works properly.


    Can you set debug to TRUE and share the output?

    get_timeseries(".VINXNOKNI",list("TIMESTAMP","CLOSE","VOLUME"),"2000-01-01T15:04:05","2018-01-02T15:04:05","daily", TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, TRUE)
  • > get_timeseries(".VINXNOKNI",list("TIMESTAMP","CLOSE","VOLUME"),"2000-01-01T15:04:05","2018-01-02T15:04:05","daily", TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, TRUE)
    [1] "Request *************************************"
    [1] "Response *************************************"
    [1] "{\"timeseriesData\":[{\"dataPoints\":null,\"errorCode\":\"TSIError\",\"errorMessage\":\"Error: TSINotPermissioned, ErrorCode: TA-TSINotPermissioned, Fault: TSIError, Description: The user does not have permission for the requested data\",\"ric\":\".VINXNOKNI\",\"statusCode\":\"Error\"}]}"
    [1] "Response status *************************************"
    [1] 200
    [1] "{\"timeseriesData\":[{\"dataPoints\":null,\"errorCode\":\"TSIError\",\"errorMessage\":\"Error: TSINotPermissioned, ErrorCode: TA-TSINotPermissioned, Fault: TSIError, Description: The user does not have permission for the requested data\",\"ric\":\".VINXNOKNI\",\"statusCode\":\"Error\"}]}"
  • > get_timeseries(".VINXNOKNI",list("TIMESTAMP","CLOSE","VOLUME"),"2000-01-01T15:04:05","2018-01-02T15:04:05","daily", TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, TRUE)

    [1] "Request *************************************"
    [1] "Response *************************************"
    [1] "{\"timeseriesData\":[{\"dataPoints\":null,\"errorCode\":\"TSIError\",\"errorMessage\":\"Error: TSINotPermissioned, ErrorCode: TA-TSINotPermissioned, Fault: TSIError, Description: The user does not have permission for the requested data\",\"ric\":\".VINXNOKNI\",\"statusCode\":\"Error\"}]}"
    [1] "Response status *************************************"
    [1] 200
    [1] "{\"timeseriesData\":[{\"dataPoints\":null,\"errorCode\":\"TSIError\",\"errorMessage\":\"Error: TSINotPermissioned, ErrorCode: TA-TSINotPermissioned, Fault: TSIError, Description: The user does not have permission for the requested data\",\"ric\":\".VINXNOKNI\",\"statusCode\":\"Error\"}]}"