Backend error. 400 Bad Request

I've been using the Python API for Eikon with no major issues so far the last few months.

As of today, when trying to do some updates I'm getting quite a lot of

requests.exceptions.HTTPError: Backend error. 400 Bad Request

The API does a few pulls (loops_ before dropping me out with the error above.

I have tried a different RIC but also encounters a similar issue.

Is there an issue from the server end?

This code has ran without issues for the last 3 months.


Best Answer

  • It could be timeout. If the request takes longer than 18 seconds to process, the application will get 400 Bad Request. If you are requesting the DataGrid Series data, please try to reduce the requested period.

    If you have any further questions, please share your requests.


  • Could you can activate debug trace to give us more detail ?
    (just add parameter debug=True in get_data call)

    If the root cause is a timeout, you can extend the limit (default: 60 seconds).

    Ex: ek.set_timeout(120) to extend to 120 seconds

  • thanks Pierre. I will give that a shot and keep you posted.

    This error seems to come and go.

    It seems more like a server load/instability issue.

  • The issue is currently not appearing again.

    So I am unable to replicate the error.

    I want to demonstrate that the servers are not appropriately designed and result in a lot of maintenance/outages/stress loads that are not transparently revealed.

    I will wait for another such situation so I can reply to this post and build on this discussion when it happens again.
